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The Working Poor

Hey there. Thanks for taking time out to read my blog, This is probably the only thing that has kept me sane the past few decades, so here it is published.

First, a little biography info. I am a primary care provider in a rural , very small city. I am in my mid 40's, still have way too much student debt, work for myself. My patient case load is about 1200 active patients, give or take. All sounds pretty status quo. Except the community I work in is fucking ridiculous. Maybe other commuities are like this one, but I have yet to travel to see anything quite as fucked as my hometown.

In an effort to protect the innocent, and my medical license, I have been advised not to disclose the actual name of the community, or even the country of origin. suffice it to say that it is in a 1st world country that favors big corporations over individuals. Yup. I lean toward to left a bit.

Not that the left has ever done anything to help me out because my income is too much for them to be concerned about my wellbeing. I really can't sayI am a conservative, because my income is just low enough to not get any of the tax breaks, but just enough to live month to month. I am literally one fuck up away from total bankruptcy.

I will never retire, I work about 80 hours a week, My partner is also self employed. We have no children. Five dogs, 4 cats. Basically no tax deductions. abut 45% of our income goes directly to the government to support both large corporations and welfare. We buy gas with spare change at the begining of every month when our bills are due. We eat hot dogs. a lot. An idea of a splurge for us is pizza night, or if we are feeling really frisky, maybe subs.

We are both college (over) educated prfessiomals. As an 18 year old I had grand visions of being a wealthy doctor, living in a big house, driving a great car. I went into primary care, did not specialize. I live in a 150 year old farm house which needed a new roof and furnace about 3 years ago. Our vehicles are used, and old. My student loan payments take about 15% of my incometo just cover the interest at this point. And no, there is no forgiveness or tax breaks for me. Remember, I am in that ellusive middle class, the one who takes it up the ass from both sides. The working poor.

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